This map is designed to allow you to find deeds and share the location of your deed on Exodus with the Wurm Online community. This is a community project and is in no way affiliated with Wurm Online or Code Club AB.
The Map
The map comes in two major forms, the interactive map and the map dump files.
The interactive map allows you to toggle the various layers that make up the complete map, add a pointer then share a link to it, find deeds, draw directly on the map, crop, save your custom map as an image file and use other special features. It is the recommended way to view the map.
The map dump files are standard image files with all layers visible. You can view these directly from the website to always have the current version or save a copy to your computer so you don't have to load it every time. There are three map dump files. The first uses the original map dump as the background from when Exodus was new and unchanged. The other two use the most current map dumps as the background, either isometric or flat.
How to Contribute
This map will only stay accurate with the help of the community.
- Please submit all deeds you find that aren't on the map and any deeds you find disbanded on the forum.
- If you own a deed that was added but you don't want it on there PM me and I will remove the name but for the sake of accuracy leave the deed marker.
- Be exact as possible using the X/Y coordinates (not in game coordinates) or preferably the map pointer link from the interactive map.
- For new roads or canals an image with an example will be most helpful.
- Also include if you would like a mailbox, merchant or public trader icon by your deed name.
- Unlike mailboxes etc. which are just placed by the deed name, guard towers will be placed where they actually are on the map.
- When I 'like' your submission post it means I've updated the master file and it will appear in the next map update.

In the top left corner of the page is the options icon. It is always visible on the page in the exact same place. You can hover your cursor over the icon to open the options menu, when your cursor is no longer hovering over the menu it will close. You can click the icon to lock open or unlock the menu. In the top right of this menu are link icons that will open this help page, the forum or map archives in a new web browser tab/window.
This is the main mode of the map and there are many things you can do from it which are discussed below.

The pointer can be placed by clicking anywhere on the map, the page will scroll to make the pointer as centered as possible on the screen. Next to it you can enter a label or name and see the coordinates of where the pointer tip is pointing. If you click on a deed marker the name of that deed will be displayed as the label, if you double-click a deed marker any information on the deed from Twitter or manually input will be shown in a dialog box.
After placing the pointer you can hover over the options icon and in addition to another place where you can edit the label there will be 2 buttons that can be clicked. "Copy Link", which opens a dialog box containing a URL for sharing in game, chat, etc. and BBCode for sharing on the forum and "Test Link" which opens the map in a new web browser tab/window and places the pointer just like when you share the link.
Deeds Tab
The "Deeds" tab is visible by default, it lists every known deed alphabetically. When you click on one of them the page will scroll so it's in view and the pointer will point to it. If you double-click, in addition to scrolling, any information on the deed from Twitter or manually input will be shown in a dialog box.
Deed names may be colored, each having a different meaning described below:
- White - Deed is on the map and most likely actually exists there right now.
- Yellow - Deed exists but it's location is unknown.
- Orange - Deed is on the map and has disbanded since the last map update.
- Red - Deed is not on the map and has disbanded since the last map update.
At the bottom of this tab is a key for the colors and a count of known deeds for each type. The white "Total" has a second number in parenthesis, this is the actual current number of deeds as reported by the server, if the 2 numbers are the same and there are no yellow, orange or red deeds then the map is 100% accurate (hasn't happened yet). You can click the name of each deed type in this key and the deed list will be sorted to show only those deeds, click "Total" to show them all again.
The information in this tab is updated automatically twice per day. When the map itself is updated, which is a manual process, the orange and red deeds will usually be reset to zero.
Toggles Tab
Clicking the options in the "Toggles" tab will show or hide the named layer of the map. This enables you to see as much or as little of the information as you want, choose a grid color and choose which map dump to use as the background.
At the bottom of this tab is a "Save Toggles" button which stores your configuration of the toggles in a cookie, you will be notified when a cookie is being saved or when it is loaded the next time you load the page. You can restore the default toggle configuration and delete the cookie by clicking the "Restore Default" button.
Image Tab
The "Image" tab has 4 buttons. When you click "Save Image As..." a save image dialog from your web browser will open allowing you to save the image to your computer including only the layers you have shown as well as the pointer if you have placed it and any drawing you have done. Make sure you choose a location you will remember such as the Desktop. The image that is created is yours to do whatever you want with.
The Zoom, Crop and Drawing Mode buttons change the Options menu to show options specific to these modes, each contains a button to switch back to Options mode. The usage of these modes are discussed below.
Zoom Mode

You can enter zoom mode by clicking the "Enter Zoom Mode" button from the Image tab in the main Options mode. Zoom mode disables the pointer and replaces it with click and drag to scroll. Scrolling the mouse wheel will zoom in and out of the map. The level of zoom is indicated below the icon, starting at 100% which is the actual size of the map seen in all other modes and going from 33% all the way to 1600% which is 16 times actual size!
This feature has been tested to work on the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and Edge. There is a known issue where the map isn't zooming in where your cursor hovers. As soon as I figure out the math to do that I'll add it, I decided to release this anyway because I think it's still useful.
Crop Mode

You can enter crop mode by clickng the "Enter Crop Mode" button from the Image tab in the main Options mode. As with the Options mode icon, you can hover your cursor over the crop mode icon to open the crop menu, when your cursor is no longer hovering over the menu it will close. You can click the icon to lock open or unlock the menu.
In crop mode you can draw a selection box on the map by clicking and holding the left mouse button, only the part of the image inside the selection box will be saved in the final image. When you have what you want selected click the "Crop Selection" button in the crop menu, a save image dialog from your web browser will open allowing you to save the cropped image to your computer including only the layers you have shown as well as the pointer if you have placed it and any drawing you have done. Make sure you choose a location you will remember such as the Desktop. The image that is created is yours to do whatever you want with.
Drawing Mode

You can enter drawing mode by clickng the "Enter Drawing Mode" button from the Image tab in the main Options mode. More info will be added here soon.